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I-69 in KY

Started by Grzrd, September 20, 2010, 12:25:35 PM

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Since KY recently completed an I-69 guardrails project, and apparently has remainder of $51 million to "tweak" I-24 and parkways to interstate-grade in reasonably near future, I thought it might be a good time to start a "Kentucky only" I-69 construction progress thread.

Here's a link to a recent Evansville Courier-Post article regarding both the $51 million funding and the completion of the guardrails project:

Regarding the $51 million funding:

another big step for the Kentucky portion of I-69 took place this spring when the state legislature included $51 million to "make tweaks to existing parkways within the corridor to conform to federal highway standards" when the project moves forward. In Kentucky, the highway will follow several existing highways, including I-24, the Western Kentucky, Purchase and Pennyrile parkways.

Regarding completion of the guardrail project:

One example of the upgrades is the recent guardrail improvements made to the parkways, Hancock said. The guardrail projects on the Purchase, Western Kentucky and Pennyrile parkways were completed within the last few weeks, ahead of schedule, according to Kentucky Transportation Cabinet spokesman, Keith Todd.


I wouldn't call this an I-69 project. A similar guardrail project is being done on the Mountain Parkway. They're trying to convert the end treatments to cushioned barriers and get away from the "Texas Twist" that has served in the past as a launching pad for cars that run upon the guardrail ends that are twisted and mounted flush with the ground.
Government would be tolerable if not for politicians and bureaucrats.


Speaking of the Mountain Parkway will Kentucky ever four lane it to Paintsville?



"Obviously, our governments understand the important of this interstate project on Western Kentucky and the five states it will include," .... The superhighway is ultimately planned to run 1,250 miles through Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana and Texas.
:confused:  :hmmm:


Quote from: ShawnP on September 21, 2010, 09:02:23 PM
Speaking of the Mountain Parkway will Kentucky ever four lane it to Paintsville?

The section from Exit 43 to Exit 46 is being widened now. There's a planning study underway for the section from Exit 57 to Exit 75, and we held a public meeting for it last summer and presented some right of way alternates to the public. It will be a long process, for sure.
Government would be tolerable if not for politicians and bureaucrats.


Recent article in Princeton Times-Leader ( referred to I-69 projects "in various stages of completion".  Here is pertinent part of KYTC response to a request to provide specifics re projects "in various stages of completion":

The "ongoing"  work consists of: the design phase of interchange improvements at KY 109/Ford Parkway Interchange, a planning study on the Carroll Parkway to determine improvements needed to convert the parkway to I-69, several other projects will be advertised for design services in the near future. We do not have any projects scheduled for a letting  in the near future. Thank you for your interest in I-69.


Quote from: Grzrd on September 24, 2010, 09:54:06 AM
Recent article in Princeton Times-Leader ( referred to I-69 projects "in various stages of completion".  Here is pertinent part of KYTC response to a request to provide specifics re projects "in various stages of completion":

"The "ongoing"  work consists of: the design phase of interchange improvements at KY 109/Ford Parkway Interchange, a planning study on the Carroll Parkway to determine improvements needed to convert the parkway to I-69, several other projects will be advertised for design services in the near future. We do not have any projects scheduled for a letting  in the near future. Thank you for your interest in I-69."
Out of curiosity -- who was your response signed by?

Fixed a quote like Bob Vila fixed that old house.
Government would be tolerable if not for politicians and bureaucrats.


Quote from: hbelkins on September 24, 2010, 10:57:39 PM
Out of curiosity -- who was your response signed by?
My email to the general KYTC "Contact Us" was forwarded directly to Ted Merryman, the I-69 Project Manager for Kentucky, and he was kind enough to give an incredibly prompt response.


KYTC has completed a scoping study of I-69 from Eddyville to Fulton and will hold an informational meeting in Mayfield on Nov. 15 from 5:30 to 7:30:

Materials from that meeting will be available for 15 days after meeting in Paducah.  Looks like I-69 upgrades will be phased in gradually as maintenance projects.  Anticipated cost of upgrades: $1.5 million per mile.


Quote from: Grzrd on September 24, 2010, 11:08:36 PM
My email to the general KYTC "Contact Us" was forwarded directly to Ted Merryman, the I-69 Project Manager for Kentucky, and he was kind enough to give an incredibly prompt response.

I only know him in passing, but he's said to be a good guy.

I get a few of those "KYTC Comments" e-mails sent to me to handle every now and then. ;-)
Government would be tolerable if not for politicians and bureaucrats.


So hb, in your personal opinion, when do you think KY will see it's first "official" I-69 shield posted and on what segment?

** Post #800!! :D **


Was in Evansville today and it appears that I-69 is moving along nicely. Laying concrete right now with mainlines done and working on shoulders. I can see the next section open by Spring or Summer of next year at latest. Congrats to INDOT for getting it done and not taking excuses and giving into certain groups.


Quote from: hbelkins on November 10, 2010, 10:06:53 PM
I get a few of those "KYTC Comments" e-mails sent to me to handle every now and then. ;-)
That was the only email I have ever sent to KYTC, I promise!  :sombrero:


Quote from: rickmastfan67 on November 10, 2010, 10:20:17 PM
So hb, in your personal opinion, when do you think KY will see it's first "official" I-69 shield posted and on what segment?

I don't think Kentucky will post it until it's completed, and that will require building a bridge across the Ohio River.
Government would be tolerable if not for politicians and bureaucrats.

Stephane Dumas

I wonder what kind of configuration the current interchange where the Pennyrile Pkwy and Western KY Pkwy would look with I-69 going from one parkway to another?


I drive through that interchange several times per year following the Pennyrile Parkway.  It is currently a traditional cloverleaf interchange, having been opened in late 1963. At this time it seems adequate to handle current traffic demand without any trouble.

I have no way to know what KYTC will end up doing, but it is my suspicion that the loop that serves the eastbound to northbound movement will be replaced with a direct flyover ramp.  The current ramp that serves the soutbound to westbound movement may end up being widened but otherwise keep its same alignment.  Other than that I figure the rest of the interchange will remain as it is.


Quote from: RoadWarrior56 on November 13, 2010, 12:02:59 PM
I drive through that interchange several times per year following the Pennyrile Parkway.  It is currently a traditional cloverleaf interchange, having been opened in late 1963. At this time it seems adequate to handle current traffic demand without any trouble.

I have no way to know what KYTC will end up doing, but it is my suspicion that the loop that serves the eastbound to northbound movement will be replaced with a direct flyover ramp.  The current ramp that serves the soutbound to westbound movement may end up being widened but otherwise keep its same alignment.  Other than that I figure the rest of the interchange will remain as it is.

That would make sense to me. The I-24/Purchase Parkway interchange is also a cloverleaf and would probably get the same treatment.
Government would be tolerable if not for politicians and bureaucrats.


Quote from: Grzrd on November 09, 2010, 09:32:46 AM
KYTC has completed a scoping study of I-69 from Eddyville to Fulton and will hold an informational meeting in Mayfield on Nov. 15 ... Materials from that meeting will be available for 15 days after meeting in Paducah ...
I noticed that the Nov. 15 materials are now on the KYTC website:
They hope to issue the final report in February, 2011.


Quote from: Grzrd on December 12, 2010, 08:57:10 PM
Quote from: Grzrd on November 09, 2010, 09:32:46 AM
KYTC has completed a scoping study of I-69 from Eddyville to Fulton and will hold an informational meeting in Mayfield on Nov. 15 ... Materials from that meeting will be available for 15 days after meeting in Paducah ...
I noticed that the Nov. 15 materials are now on the KYTC website:
They hope to issue the final report in February, 2011.
Quote from: hbelkins on November 10, 2010, 10:06:53 PM
I get a few of those "KYTC Comments" e-mails sent to me to handle every now and then. ;-)

I recently emailed KYTC's Division of Planning to see if the final report might be issued in the near future.  R. Steven Ross was awarded the task of responding to my email (lucky for you, HB :D) and he replied as follows:

The I-69 study from Eddyville to Fulton was originally scheduled to be complete by March.  Due to retirement and other circumstances, the project changed project managers a couple of times which has resulted in a delay.  A draft copy of the report is now being reviewed; we hope to have the final copy available in a few weeks.  When it is complete, an electronic copy will be made available on our web page.
The results of the study will be used to determine what improvements need to be made to the existing facilities (Purchase Parkway) to receive approval from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to sign it as an Interstate.  The improvements required by FHWA will be addressed as funding becomes available.
To my knowledge, the only active project along this corridor is the interchange reconstruction in Marshall County at the Purchase Parkway and KY 348.  It is currently in Phase II Design and will change the interchange from the tollbooth style interchange to a diamond interchange.


Quote from: Grzrd on May 26, 2011, 08:11:56 PM
To my knowledge, the only active project along this corridor is the interchange reconstruction in Marshall County at the Purchase Parkway and KY 348.  It is currently in Phase II Design and will change the interchange from the tollbooth style interchange to a diamond interchange."

"Tollbooth style" = four loop ramps such as what would be found in a cloverleaf. The way they worked is that you moved to the right lane to pay the toll at a booth either under the bridge (or in the case of the KY 11 exit on the Mountain Parkway, on the bridge) and then exited. Incoming traffic looped around, yielded to traffic already on the parkway, paid the toll, then entered. You always told the attendant "getting on" or "getting off" so they'd know how much toll to charge you. You could also go through in those lanes because sometimes those lanes were the only two that were staffed if you needed change.
Government would be tolerable if not for politicians and bureaucrats.


Quote from: hbelkins on May 28, 2011, 01:28:34 AM
You always told the attendant "getting on" or "getting off" so they'd know how much toll to charge you.

I never knew that.  But, I only may have gotten on once at a tollbooth exit.

But, it's a moot point now as all the tolls are gone.
My Flickr Photos:

I'm out of this F***KING PLACE!


Quote from: mightyace on May 28, 2011, 02:41:21 AM
Quote from: hbelkins on May 28, 2011, 01:28:34 AM
You always told the attendant "getting on" or "getting off" so they'd know how much toll to charge you.

I never knew that.  But, I only may have gotten on once at a tollbooth exit.

But, it's a moot point now as all the tolls are gone.

Looks like Oklahoma still uses these types of toll exit setups as well:,+OK&aq=0&sll=35.823033,-96.435928&sspn=0.034449,0.077162&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Muskogee,+Oklahoma&ll=35.265927,-95.931029&spn=0.008672,0.01929&t=k&z=16


It really is the 'cheap and dirty' way of tolling the mainline and dealing with the on/off traffic. But, when you remove the tolls, they become extremely dangerous if not for their sheer remoteness to the world.


Quote from: Sykotyk on June 02, 2011, 08:40:20 PM
It really is the 'cheap and dirty' way of tolling the mainline and dealing with the on/off traffic. But, when you remove the tolls, they become extremely dangerous if not for their sheer remoteness to the world.

They're not that dangerous. For the most part, those parkways are lightly traveled with not a high volume of traffic having to weave at the cloverleaves. Definitely not like a freeway-to-freeway cloverleaf like I-64 and I-265.
Government would be tolerable if not for politicians and bureaucrats.


Quote from: Grzrd on May 26, 2011, 08:11:56 PM
I recently emailed KYTC's Division of Planning ... R. Steven Ross was awarded the task of responding to my email
I emailed Mr. Ross back and asked him if KYTC had thought about trying be included in the Texas I-69 legislation because upgrades to parkways will be relatively inexpensive to upgrade & could be done relatively soon ($$$ permitting), but completion of Ohio River bridge and Memphis to Union City sections are so far off that signage could be a problem.  My email got sent over to Ted Merryman, the I-69 Project Manager.  After reading his response, I realized I had overlooked the connections to I-24 as enabling signage :

Congress passed H.R. 1195 in April 2008 which amended SAFETEA-LU. The bill designated Interstate 69 as the Ford Western Kentucky Parkway from I-24 to the Breathitt Pennyrile Parkway and the Breathitt Pennyrile Parkway from the Ford  Western Kentucky Parkway to Henderson.
The Cabinet is partnering with FHWA to develop an agreement for physical improvements to the parkways which will allow conversion into the Interstate System. We do not have to complete the Ohio River Bridge project prior to conversion.
EX.- There is a short section of I-69 in Mississippi.

Oh, well.  :banghead:

By the same token, I suppose US 59 in the Houston area could be signed immediately.

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